Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sasuke Sakura Lemon Fanfiction Stories

Barcelona, \u200b\u200b11 and March 12 - The Grand Master Massimo Bianchi Added to XXX Annual General Meeting of the Grand Lodge of Spain

Spagna Added The Grand Master, Massimo Bianchi will be the Grand Orient of Italy at the XXX Annual General Meeting of the Grand Lodge of Spain, to be held in Barcelona on 11 and 12 March. The presence of the GOI important event takes on an even stronger after the Grand Lodge of Spain re-established fraternal relations with the Palazzo Giustiniani, awarding it the work of fraternal dialogue and listening, carried out in recent years by the Grand Master and Grand Master Gustavo Raffi Oscar de Alfonso Ortega.

The two historic Lodges are increasingly working side by side and through joint action for the good of European Freemasonry. From Barcelona will be a new stone for the Temple of mankind that the Masons built with wisdom and beauty, beyond all boundaries and division.


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