Friday, March 18, 2011

Huawei E220 Connect To Ps3


An Evening in Africa

The tributary almost unexpected participation (110 people, including many teachers) to the "African night" organized by the Intercultural Centre Le Rondini di Senigallia, was a great success.
The flavors and smells of Africa attracted the curiosity and surprise of the participants who come to the table laden with food: many never tasted rice rolls Egyptian fenugreek cooked with meat from Ethiopian hands, various types of cous-cous Moroccan chicken with olives cooked in Tajin, Senegalese rice, green vegetables, meat with plums ...
The presentation of the dishes, accurate and very colorful, made the food even more appealing, and stressed the merger and the interpenetration between the different artists, expert and willing, these women together by the desire to disseminate, in a taste, tastes and smells of their food . Not professional cooks, but the mothers of children who attend our center.
Then the drum music live, has some lively dance step and heated the atmosphere in the room breathed climate of Africa.
Finally the floor to our guest writer and poet Abdul Hamid who made his debut Barolo reading his family tree received from his father before his death, to stress the importance of their roots to every human being and especially for who emigrated to another country and is living in a foreign reality.
Hamid, Eritrea, but in our country for almost forty years, by reading some verses from his collection of poems and stories "Bury my skin in Africa" \u200b\u200band his latest release "The flight of Mohammed" has to perceive that that desire carries within each migrant to return home, to where you came from land that raised us, even when their country is ravaged by war ...
Hamid left us singing his poem "Akhria "in his language: Tigrigna, which sings of the longing for his mother, and his land. With its sympathetic
way of speaking, this clever orator, he also ripped several laughs and has been able to gather the attention of his audience, both the adult in the evening but also during the two rounds on Saturday morning with classes of third Cesanelli Elementary School, and Classes 1 ° C and 3 ° C Marchetti Middle School. In both interventions were many questions asked by students and the curious, concerned and it is up to Africa than to the writing life in Italy. In the afternoon he met Hamid our older boys, including many from a few months in Italy, which still managed to convey his strength and his desire to do, even away from home, leaving a trail of their admiration.
This day so full and intense left us much food for thought for the construction of common ground, regardless of place of origin, skin color or spices used in food preparation and to discover the diversity as new foods to taste !
We are very happy and pleased with the success of this event, we hope to repeat soon.

Laura Gaggiottini


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