Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pellegrino While Pregnant

Units and Masonry: 150 years of history

Lorenzo Castellani.

Here come the 150 years of the unification of Italy and the Grand Orient of Italy prepares the festivities in full regalia. Calendar of events for the builders who have brothers in the Risorgimento of a deeper historical and cultural anchors. "Layout with enthusiasm and right paths of identity and culture, hopes and struggles for a better country. Along the road that built the national sentiment, there are faces and stories, the vanguard of freedom and yet wounds to heal. E 'stitched above the great dream of bringing together a single nation under the flag, past the unfinished del Risorgimento. In this story that we shared, the Grand Orient of Italy wants to contribute to rediscovering the sense of our being together as Italians, maintaining and developing a life plan. "Gran Maestro Gustavo Raffi writes, then goes on to underline the commitment yet Masonic" We want to take new strength from the lessons of the Renaissance ideal, but also be able to hear and investigate those There are no pages in the history books, challenging prejudices and moving boundaries. Revisions without controversy, either with or with Savoy Bourbon Brothers of the Grand Orient are with the Italians who yesterday joined to belong to one country and now live and want to renew the covenant of brotherhood that builds a common destiny and a need deeper truth. The charcoal fire that fuels the hope is more important than the flesh wounds that burn. A country that knows how to get past that is able to meet the challenges of the future. "Education, culture, freedom and progress are still the key words of Masonry 2011. The challenge is to help the Palazzo Giustiniani spiritually and culturally to the nation's progress and development of the conscience of individuals. A steady path toward the unity and identity of Masonry that patriotic without missing the reference to the old but very current masters of thought as Mazzini and Garibaldi, who as men of action "are not for us 'holy lay' or literary genres from spend on market rumors: they are instead examples of men who made way for an idea of \u200b\u200bthe country in unity and solidarity. "All in the respect for civil liberties and individual. The point is still the modern Maestro Raffi to continue "The challenge is Freedom of Thought and courage. We want to launch the revolution of the commitment, personal and communal, in a historical phase in the predominantly loosening and detachment, and surrender delegation. We believe that right now the testimony of every person who enters the game to build modular courses and virtuous, is another concrete sign that humanity is possible. "There are flashes self-celebrating" what Freemasonry has given in terms of blood and sacrifice Unit Italy is in fact known to historians and also lives in the hearts of our people. "And then look back to today" Even today we want to indicate strongly that new responsibility is to build the future and respond to the calls that come from young from school and a society that has lost its sense of its ligamen, staying together as a people. We can not say enough that the games of the three cards and recipes that are used to coasting trade. Italy needs a kidney shot, and flying high above the controversy and the barnyard logic. "Among the most significant initiatives the meeting on 1 and 2 to 3 April in Rimini with conferences, debates and discussions. Among the guests Alessandro Cecchi Paone relevant, the naturalist, the Chairman of the 150th anniversary of Mr Valerio Zanone, the Republican thinker and philosopher Professor Maurizio Viroli Gian Mario Cazzaniga. Many eminent personalities for Freemasonry today, at least culturally, it seems even more alive than ever.


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