Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Are Pink The Fastest Racquetball There Is?


Lessons deiTre Degrees of Freemasonry

Edizione curata e tradotta dai Fratelli della Loggia Heredom1224 di Cagliari
102 pagine
Dicembre 2010

Dopoun lungo ed attento lavoro di traduzione del famoso testo “ The Lectures of the Three Degrees in Craft Masonry ”, vede la lucequesto volume che, oggi, rappresenta il vero patrimonio storico, simbolico,morale ed esoterico della nostra Loggia.
Loscritto propone una pertinente e puntuale corrispondenza con il testo delRituale Emulation, tradotto in lingua italiana, così come approvato dallaEmulation Lodge of Improvment di Londra.  

LeLezioni Masons, already promulgated in 1770 by William Preston, treGradi associated with the Order, describing in detail the ritual and significatomorale through seven, five and three sections respectively in Lezionidel First, Second and Third Degree.
Esses in catechetical form, that is a question and answer, or more to run Dadu Brothers at the meetings of the Lodge.
The delight of William Preston, developed from 1772 onwards, but of which little is known testocompleto until at least twenty years later, and the "Master Key" to JohnBrowne, published in full in 1801, were the first texts darciun'effettiva authentic education degrees on the Order. From that moment on Poil lessons, still in use, have become an education system completonella Freemasonry, not only in ritual procedures dellecerimonie Degrees of course, but the overall spirit of Masonry itself.
ceremonies seer in short, until the early 19th century, were often carried out by unnumero small group, often in a separate room, before the Lodge chetutta reunited. Then the meeting as full avvenivaabitualmente at the table and here, the entire lesson, it was often performed comeistruzione for the candidate.


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