Thursday, March 10, 2011

How Do You Make Your Voice Sound More Sweet

Colle Val d'Elsa, March 18 - Conference: "The contribution of Freemasonry in the Valley Elsa in the 150 years of unification of Italy "

Valdelsa Honorary Grand Master Ghezzi and Great Orator Morris, the journalist Michele Taddei, Vinicius Serino anthropologist, journalist and President of the District Tuscan Stefano Bisi will be in Colle Val d'Elsa March 18 to talk about commitment to the completion Tuscan Masonic National Unity . The local lodge "Arnolfo di Cambio" will hold the meeting at the Theatre of the various, Via del Castello 64, starting at 17:00. With the conference "The contribution of Freemasonry in Val d'Elsa in the 150 years of unification of Italy" will be highlighted facts and figures of a specific area of \u200b\u200bTuscany according to a national and the region where the Lodges have always enjoyed wider impact in the social fabric. There will also the deepening of the reality of today. Moderate work, the Deputy District Moreno Milighetti.

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