Friday, March 18, 2011

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An Evening in Africa

The tributary almost unexpected participation (110 people, including many teachers) to the "African night" organized by the Intercultural Centre Le Rondini di Senigallia, was a great success.
The flavors and smells of Africa attracted the curiosity and surprise of the participants who come to the table laden with food: many never tasted rice rolls Egyptian fenugreek cooked with meat from Ethiopian hands, various types of cous-cous Moroccan chicken with olives cooked in Tajin, Senegalese rice, green vegetables, meat with plums ...
The presentation of the dishes, accurate and very colorful, made the food even more appealing, and stressed the merger and the interpenetration between the different artists, expert and willing, these women together by the desire to disseminate, in a taste, tastes and smells of their food . Not professional cooks, but the mothers of children who attend our center.
Then the drum music live, has some lively dance step and heated the atmosphere in the room breathed climate of Africa.
Finally the floor to our guest writer and poet Abdul Hamid who made his debut Barolo reading his family tree received from his father before his death, to stress the importance of their roots to every human being and especially for who emigrated to another country and is living in a foreign reality.
Hamid, Eritrea, but in our country for almost forty years, by reading some verses from his collection of poems and stories "Bury my skin in Africa" \u200b\u200band his latest release "The flight of Mohammed" has to perceive that that desire carries within each migrant to return home, to where you came from land that raised us, even when their country is ravaged by war ...
Hamid left us singing his poem "Akhria "in his language: Tigrigna, which sings of the longing for his mother, and his land. With its sympathetic
way of speaking, this clever orator, he also ripped several laughs and has been able to gather the attention of his audience, both the adult in the evening but also during the two rounds on Saturday morning with classes of third Cesanelli Elementary School, and Classes 1 ° C and 3 ° C Marchetti Middle School. In both interventions were many questions asked by students and the curious, concerned and it is up to Africa than to the writing life in Italy. In the afternoon he met Hamid our older boys, including many from a few months in Italy, which still managed to convey his strength and his desire to do, even away from home, leaving a trail of their admiration.
This day so full and intense left us much food for thought for the construction of common ground, regardless of place of origin, skin color or spices used in food preparation and to discover the diversity as new foods to taste !
We are very happy and pleased with the success of this event, we hope to repeat soon.

Laura Gaggiottini

Thursday, March 17, 2011

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Back to 194th Lodge - Friday, March 25, 2011

Dear Lord and Brother,
You are cordially invited to participate in the 194 round this Lodge to be held at the Temple No. 2 Casadei Freemasons of Independence Square 1 in Cagliari, next Friday, March 25, 2011, at 19.45 for 20.15.
this week will be celebrated during the initiation ceremony of the Entered Apprentice Degree Free Mr. Mason EAC
On the command of the Worshipful Master.
Sincerely and Fraternally
Fri Br GM, Secretary

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Units and Masonry: 150 years of history

Lorenzo Castellani.

Here come the 150 years of the unification of Italy and the Grand Orient of Italy prepares the festivities in full regalia. Calendar of events for the builders who have brothers in the Risorgimento of a deeper historical and cultural anchors. "Layout with enthusiasm and right paths of identity and culture, hopes and struggles for a better country. Along the road that built the national sentiment, there are faces and stories, the vanguard of freedom and yet wounds to heal. E 'stitched above the great dream of bringing together a single nation under the flag, past the unfinished del Risorgimento. In this story that we shared, the Grand Orient of Italy wants to contribute to rediscovering the sense of our being together as Italians, maintaining and developing a life plan. "Gran Maestro Gustavo Raffi writes, then goes on to underline the commitment yet Masonic" We want to take new strength from the lessons of the Renaissance ideal, but also be able to hear and investigate those There are no pages in the history books, challenging prejudices and moving boundaries. Revisions without controversy, either with or with Savoy Bourbon Brothers of the Grand Orient are with the Italians who yesterday joined to belong to one country and now live and want to renew the covenant of brotherhood that builds a common destiny and a need deeper truth. The charcoal fire that fuels the hope is more important than the flesh wounds that burn. A country that knows how to get past that is able to meet the challenges of the future. "Education, culture, freedom and progress are still the key words of Masonry 2011. The challenge is to help the Palazzo Giustiniani spiritually and culturally to the nation's progress and development of the conscience of individuals. A steady path toward the unity and identity of Masonry that patriotic without missing the reference to the old but very current masters of thought as Mazzini and Garibaldi, who as men of action "are not for us 'holy lay' or literary genres from spend on market rumors: they are instead examples of men who made way for an idea of \u200b\u200bthe country in unity and solidarity. "All in the respect for civil liberties and individual. The point is still the modern Maestro Raffi to continue "The challenge is Freedom of Thought and courage. We want to launch the revolution of the commitment, personal and communal, in a historical phase in the predominantly loosening and detachment, and surrender delegation. We believe that right now the testimony of every person who enters the game to build modular courses and virtuous, is another concrete sign that humanity is possible. "There are flashes self-celebrating" what Freemasonry has given in terms of blood and sacrifice Unit Italy is in fact known to historians and also lives in the hearts of our people. "And then look back to today" Even today we want to indicate strongly that new responsibility is to build the future and respond to the calls that come from young from school and a society that has lost its sense of its ligamen, staying together as a people. We can not say enough that the games of the three cards and recipes that are used to coasting trade. Italy needs a kidney shot, and flying high above the controversy and the barnyard logic. "Among the most significant initiatives the meeting on 1 and 2 to 3 April in Rimini with conferences, debates and discussions. Among the guests Alessandro Cecchi Paone relevant, the naturalist, the Chairman of the 150th anniversary of Mr Valerio Zanone, the Republican thinker and philosopher Professor Maurizio Viroli Gian Mario Cazzaniga. Many eminent personalities for Freemasonry today, at least culturally, it seems even more alive than ever.

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Throughout the night of March 17, in all the lodges of the Grand Orient of Italy remain on the three sacred light of beauty, strength and wisdom. To make the announcement and 'Gustavo Raffi, Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy (GOI), which emphasizes that the initiative is a clear message''of a renewed Social and ethical commitment, in every field of action against a painful poverty 'ideas and choices, and a moral crisis that turns everything into fiction or drama.'' Together with the initiatives that the''Big East has put together for the celebrations - emphasizes the lawyer leading the GOI Ravenna - this symbolic thought wants to be a sure sign of hope that urges people to communion and to the project, keeping watch on our beloved Italy. The lights do carry in our hearts that way for a new Renaissance of Reason, to overcome the unfinished illuminating the minds of the Italians for the battles of freedom 'that lie ahead. Freemasonry - Raffi ends - and 'moral strength and yeast to society': give 'his contribution thought and action for a new narrative of identity. After 150 years, to stay together.''

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"The carnival was very nice. I saw many things I have seen so many tractors that threw the candy. We walked a lot on the roads. This carnival was the first that I have seen in my life. We were dressed in white with large letters and children's books and my brother were favole.Per many roads were confetti and candy, and we threw them all "(Usman Ali)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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Rome March 17 March 14, 2011 - Message Gran Maestro Gustavo Raffi the Grand Lodge of Japan 1-2-3

Gran Loggia del Giappone Fr Philip A. Ambrose,

Past Grand Master Grand Secretary of Grand Lodge of Japan

dear Brother,

We saw on TV the enormous damage caused by the terrible earthquake and tsunami that hit the northern regions of your country.

Moment by moment, we follow the print, which brings us feelings of sadness, but also admiration for the great moral force of the Japanese people, and for the excellent organization of rescue operations.

worldwide, is increasing concern about the radiation leak from nuclear facilities damaged. We all hope that the experts are able to stop this nightmare.

probably will take years to rebuild, but we are sure that the Japanese people will overcome this disaster, thanks to technology, but in particular because of its ancient civilization, its philosophy, its values.

at this time, so hard for your country, we want you to know that the Italian Masonic Communion is at your side, we share your own feelings.

Finally, I hope you can attend our meeting in Rimini, as announced. We are happy to welcome you and make you feel our deepest brotherly love.


The Grand Master
Gustavo Raffi

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Rimini April 2011 - Programme of the Grand Lodge in 2011

Gran Loggia 2011

Watch Manifesto [ Download File Size 4.27 Mb File Formato PDF ]

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Agapi at the Grand Lodge 2011 [ Download file File Formato PDF Size 64.0 Kb ]

Reservations [ File Formato PDF Download File Size 64.0 Kb ]

Gran Loggia 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Gran Loggia

Rimini Grand Lodge in 2011, April 1-3

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News Editorials

Cagliostro Massone

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Philippa Faulks, Robert LD Cooper
Ed. Mediterranean

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Erasmo News


's online the latest issue of "Erasmo News", the newsletter of the Grand Orient' Italy.

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Brescia, March 12 - Conference "Giulio Mazzon, Man Friend, Master "

Brescia The Associazione Culturale Onlus organizes Minerva, Saturday, March 12, 2011, at 16:00, at the Conference Room of the Hotel AC Brescia , in Via Giulio Quinto Stefana 3, a conference on the theme: Giulio Mazzon, Man, Friend, Teacher. Will be speakers at the conference some of those who knew him and he walked on the path, sometimes arduous, life, as Dr. Silvia Danesi, journalist and writer from Brescia.

Friday, March 11, 2011

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Sansepolcro, March 16 - Inauguration of the new Masonic Home of Sansepolcro

Sansepolcro After extensive renovations, the result in part of the work of the Brothers, on 16 March at 20:00, scheduled to open and the consecration of the new temple in the presence of the Grand Master Gustavo Raffi and all the lodges in the province of Arezzo attending the session to celebrate this event and the night tricolor. The new home of the Masonic cultural circle "three pillars" is located in Sansepolcro, in 36 Cherubino Alberti, where he was the refectory of the Augustinian century. The house will become the reference point of the Brothers of the Lodge "Alberto Mario" No 121 of Sansepolcro, which boasts 126 years seniority of the Brethren of Lodge "The Free" City of Castle that is celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the Brothers of the Lodge and Mazzon No 1358 of Civitella in Val di Chiana.

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Historical Research - After Caravaggio Experts to hunt the mysteries of Cagliostro

Caravaggio ''The experimental results of the tests conducted at the University of Salento and Ravenna on the bones exhumed in Porto Ercole, corroborate even more certain that you are actually found the mortal remains of Caravaggio.'' These are the words of Massimo Andretta, Director of the Centre for Research and Environmental Services Med Engineering, a partnership with the Universita 'di Bologna, who participated in the research aimed to identify the remains of the famous sixteenth-century painter. ''The techniques used by the working group on Caravaggio - Andretta says - can now be used for forensic science applications, for both research and authentication of the remains of other famous personalities such as Mona Lisa or Giuseppe Balsamo, Count of Cagliostro''. It''and 'waiting - announces the expert - the required permissions for the exhumations of remains. The search should start in the autumn and we aim to do light on the mysteries of the death of these enigmatic characters.'' ''Our team - Andretta claims - will travel to the fortress of San Leo, where the famous alchemist was imprisoned and then buried as an infidel. It will be another challenge with the history ...''.

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Pesaro, March 25 - Returned joint" Considerations on 150 years of the Unification of Italy "

Marche context of local initiatives designed to celebrate the sesquicentennial of the Unification of Italy, the Lodges "Victor Hugo's 1893" No. 1273 of Urbino and "De Hominis dignity 'No. 1314 of Senigallia give life, Friday, March 25, at a joint session in the Masonic House of Pesaro, in Almerigo Via Ventura, 40. After the opening ritual will proceed the suspension of operations. Later Prof. Vittorio Ciarrocchi, distinguished historian and Latin will be introduced in time for a brief report about the "Considerations on 150 years of Unity talia. The commitment of the various workshops to celebrate the unification of the Marche is a message of national unity and identity in the secular tradition felt by the whole Communion.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Barcelona, \u200b\u200b11 and March 12 - The Grand Master Massimo Bianchi Added to XXX Annual General Meeting of the Grand Lodge of Spain

Spagna Added The Grand Master, Massimo Bianchi will be the Grand Orient of Italy at the XXX Annual General Meeting of the Grand Lodge of Spain, to be held in Barcelona on 11 and 12 March. The presence of the GOI important event takes on an even stronger after the Grand Lodge of Spain re-established fraternal relations with the Palazzo Giustiniani, awarding it the work of fraternal dialogue and listening, carried out in recent years by the Grand Master and Grand Master Gustavo Raffi Oscar de Alfonso Ortega.

The two historic Lodges are increasingly working side by side and through joint action for the good of European Freemasonry. From Barcelona will be a new stone for the Temple of mankind that the Masons built with wisdom and beauty, beyond all boundaries and division.

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Colle Val d'Elsa, March 18 - Conference: "The contribution of Freemasonry in the Valley Elsa in the 150 years of unification of Italy "

Valdelsa Honorary Grand Master Ghezzi and Great Orator Morris, the journalist Michele Taddei, Vinicius Serino anthropologist, journalist and President of the District Tuscan Stefano Bisi will be in Colle Val d'Elsa March 18 to talk about commitment to the completion Tuscan Masonic National Unity . The local lodge "Arnolfo di Cambio" will hold the meeting at the Theatre of the various, Via del Castello 64, starting at 17:00. With the conference "The contribution of Freemasonry in Val d'Elsa in the 150 years of unification of Italy" will be highlighted facts and figures of a specific area of \u200b\u200bTuscany according to a national and the region where the Lodges have always enjoyed wider impact in the social fabric. There will also the deepening of the reality of today. Moderate work, the Deputy District Moreno Milighetti.

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Florence, March 19 - Meeting:" Ethics with God, ethics without God "

GOI Toscana The Board will hold a conference the District of Tuscany for the cycle: "Meeting with the Grand Orient of Italy, which will be held Saturday, March 19th at 15:30 at the Hotel Astoria in Via del Giglio, 9. Participants: Michele Ciliberto, professor at the Scuola Normale di Pisa, Izzedin Elzir, Imam of Florence and President of the Islamic Communities in Italy, Pawel Andrzej Gajewski, pastor of the Waldensian Evangelical Church of Florence, Alfredo Jacopozzi, professor, head of the Culture of the Archdiocese of Florence, Joseph Levi, Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Florence, Giuseppe Mussari, Chairman of Monte Paschi Siena 'Italian Banking Association. The meeting will be introduced by Stefano Bisi, Chairman of the Board of Tuscany and moderated by Francis Burgundians, librarian of the College.

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Lights on in all the Lodges of the Grand Orient of Italy

Unity Day in Italy, March 17

17 marzo The commitment of the Grand Orient of Italy, the approach of March 17, is getting stronger so that this event could be a moment of reflection on the deep roots of the institution against the renewed commitment that awaits us in building a more free and just in this period of profound and radical social changes in mondiale.Per support that effort, the lights will remain lit throughout the night of March 17, in all Lodges the Grand Orient of Italy. The symbolism of this gesture is very significant, in a period of moral crisis very strong as we are going through, turn the three lights of Beauty, Strength and Wisdom means finding some time and feel part of a history in the making.

PDF Read the official communications of the Grand Master Gustavo Raffi