Monday, February 28, 2011

Pancreatic Pain And Hiatus Hernia

News Editorials

Brothers of Italy
Memory of the relationship between Freemasonry and Risorgimento
the 150th anniversary of ' Unification of Italy (1861-2011)
Maurizio Del Maschio, Stefano Moment, Claudio Nobbio
pp. 200, € 22.00
Bastogi Italian publishers, 2011

A hundred and fifty years from the Unification of Italy, it is worthwhile to revisit a fundamental period of history is now tarnished and neglected land. It seems that before 1945 our history is lost in a nebula characterized fascist nightmare, and almost nothing else. Especially the new generations have a duty to recall what were the roots of today's and at what price, including blood, national unity has been reached today on the one hand it is obvious and for another is called into question because the malaise in Italy where he lives the surface of today, the sate his well-being, lack of high ideals and profoundly ignorant of his past. We live in the illusion that only the present matters, forgetting that this is something beyond our control. Just before he was the future and the next moment is already past. A people
forgetful of its past is a people that has no future. We therefore felt compelled to revisit a fundamental period of our recent history with the intent to raise awareness. We did not rhetorical outbursts, but with clear focus and temporal distance quell'obiettività that helps. We retraced almost two hundred years of history characterized by three basic symbols: the Tricolore, the National Anthem and the Constitution. Masonic seen in the context that, willy-nilly, has pervaded our Risorgimento, these symbols can be intuitively associated with the three principles on which Freemasonry is based Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. The Tricolore is the symbol of Liberty, Mameli's anthem is a symbol of the Brotherhood and the Constitution is a symbol of equality.
Italy is not the first modern state to have Masonic roots in his DNA. The United States of America had, before her, the foundation still visible in the symbols and institutions that characterize this great nation. Other countries have been trained in the last century with the decisive contribution of Freemasonry, whose members helped form a new ruling class that collected the challenges of modernity without abandoning the traditional values \u200b\u200bthat give dignity to man, making it a unique creature, free and wise, fighting all forms of obscurantism, of abuse and ignorance.
We addressed this effort without prejudice, without awe, without intent apologetic, but with passion, freedom of thought and sincere attempt to uncover a past that is part of the long and complex history of Italy in which Rome fundamental symbol of their identity and that Lord John Gordon Byron (1788-1824) called "Niobe of nations."
With this re-enactment we also intend to remind all those who, motivated by a sincere love of country, known and unknown, from the Renaissance to the beginning of our difficult years of resistance, who fought and sacrificed their lives for a noble ideal, so us and who will live after us could live independently in an Italy made up of men free from oppression. It is our task not to dissipate the heritage of civilization that we have the privilege to guard and preserve.


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