Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bannaa To Masterbate?

The dark side of the moon does not know that there is a ground

The land is not have never seen the dark side of the moon, except for a pair of probes and that group of astronauts who have circumnavigated the Moon bringing beautiful photographs.
The moon is indifferent to what happens on earth, including movements of the Earth and the reversal of polarity.
The moon rotates around the Earth for millions of years and has with absolute precision one half of his ball toward the ground. It does not change and did not change its orientation, even a small fraction of a degree.
While we can not see the dark side of moon equally true that the dark side of the moon can not see us. There can not see nor hear. Can not receive magnetic waves, radio and even television ... nothing.
For the dark side of the moon the earth and its inhabitants do not exist.
A hypothetical alien, residing on the crest of one of the craters on the far side, with his small but efficient telescope could see the whole universe but could not see the celestial body, the planet closest to you. Around which the wheel.


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