Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fuschia Flash Before And After

You decide

The Democratic Revolution in the way
Reggio voters want to choose their candidates

We, members and supporters of the PD Reggio Emilia


that in good time before the next election - whether in three months or three years - the need to organize the primaries in every constituency of our territory, so that the candidates who will represent on the ballot are the result of a real and direct democratic expression.

These candidates are actually chosen, it will not be eligible to vote have blocked lists. The lists that will be presented to Parliament will follow the order dictated by the preferences collected in the primary, without exception.

With the same determination


whatever the Circles of PD cheese for their candidates in the primary, with the intent to make them prevail in the internal competition , then supporting them with renewed vigor during the election campaign.

the primary tool, in fact, if used to choose names dictated solely by the party apparatus, alone is not sufficient to ensure really shared applications and based on the principle of meritocracy, be open to applications that give value to 'commitment to the ideas of those who participate in the activities of clubs, who works every day in active citizenship, those who work to create a sense of belonging to the territories.

This we believe is democracy, and on this proposal are available for comparison, the contribution may not be just a theoretical exercise and formal but a normal practice of real right to choose.

This method would be in line, many hoped, would represent a real responsibility and the opportunity for effective involvement of all voters in the center-left, and not just the PD, and this especially for those who have developed a deep disaffection for politics or if they are removed after losing confidence in the Party and the ruling class.

This way, the enhancement of participation and expression of common will, that we begin to walk, is a starting point, but is a fundamental path if you want to regain strength and light to inspire renewed interest by young people and disappointed to engage and motivate people to change things for the better.

From this road you can not go back, or continue trying to be more and more in demand real democracy and non-formal or you may close for good experience, that of PD, in which all have believed and invested our energies.

We ask this with strength and conviction because we want the Democratic Party is the party of good practices and transparency.

The first signatories

Bellesia Elisa
Nadia Beltrami
Benassi Marco Benassi
Bertani Glauco
Vincent Bertolini
Bigi Alberto
Gonzo Germano
Bonacini Andrea
Bonvicini Viscardo
Bruno Borghi
Branchetti Fausto
Branchetti Nadia
Brugnatti Michele
Andrea Capelli
Carbognani Chiara
Caroli Corrado
Casanova Luca
Marco Catellani
Federico Cavalli
Chiossi Claudio
Coffrini Stella
Paolo Corradini
De Franco Lanfranco
Delmastro Joseph
Di Pietro Angiolino
Fabbi Dominga
Ferraboschi Marilena
Ferrari Giovanni Andrea
Ferrari Stella
Roberta Filippi
Federica Franceschini
Frignoli Alessandro
Gasparini Gilberto Giberti
Matteo Grassi
Griminelli Lina
Maurizio Gullo
Irimia Nicola
Lamantea Ruggiero
Lusuardi Massimo
Maioli Giuliano
Manili Marinella
Manuela Biolchini
Mattioli Alessandro Mattioli Francesca
Mazzocchi Maria Antonietta
Daniele Menozzi
Miselli Mauro Montanari
Montague Nicole
Morgotti Paul
Motolese Elisa
Nardi Stefano
Pellicelli Marcello
Mauro Ponzi
Quaiotti Giuliano
Ramzi Ben
Rinaldini Roberta
Marco Rosselli
Rubiani Giulia
Ruffini Rosa
Psalms Youssef
Sassi Devid
Scarpati Marco
Segadelli Paulo
Stefano Setti
Sirica Vincenzo
Tadolini Paul
Massimiliano Valentini
Gianni Vecchi
Valerio Vecchi
Vergallo Christian
Veronese Moreno Mauro Zaccarelli
Zanfi Daniela

E 'possible to sign the document "You Decide" by sending their attachment to the email address deciditureggioemilia @


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