Sunday, February 14, 2010

Steel Jacket Crystal Pokemon

Italian course for families, organized by the Center for Equal Opportunity and the intercultural swallows.

The idea of \u200b\u200bappealing to the family has been very interesting: a course not only to men, breadwinners, but also for wives and daughters, brothers, together to achieve a single purpose: to quickly learn the Italian language in order to become an active part in this society.
The meetings are held according to the different availability of the families involved. Having accompanied the children after school, "The Swallows", together we reached the place of the Italian course, or in community or school Fagnani, where classes are held 2 times per week, Monday and Wednesday from 15.30 to 17.30.
2 groups have been formed in relation to the level of understanding of the Italian language and families who are part come from different countries: Senegal, Egypt, Nigeria, Morocco, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Tunisia, Turkey.
mid and end of the course are provided a pair of events based on information on services, with guided tours of places in the city. In this course, many aspects
catches your eye: there is first a great sacrifice and commitment of participants to be always present in class and a strong desire to learn. Then, to dispel the prejudice according to which Islamic men "hold" their wives at home, we see that not only studying the same book, but the women left behind the copying tasks of younger boys, or vice versa, and involved answering questions without shame.
Another good opportunity for educators is to be able to see a world completely different from how often the media we offer it: it is easier to defend against those who do not know, is our only justification in the complexity of life.
We get conditioned by current events that are often distorted because it is always in search of a story that makes us see immigrants as a degenerate who behaves violently toward his wife and their children, unable to meet the social rules.
We are always tainted by the clichés and without too much effort to know the truth and to deepen the story, we stare at each other in pre-judgments.
This is instead a world of different cultures, different traditions, but one and the same appearance: same fears, same desires not to feel alone, useless, same desire to be good and feel good to your family, not to leave anything to their children, have fun, to laugh, to discover other habits that might also like.
Anyone willing to communicate, to weave positive relationships, whether jew, Muslim or Christian, can raise our challenge is this: to promote positive action for mutual understanding and respect, despite the many obstacles encountered, because we believe that this is the only way for a true and healthy integration.


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