Friday, April 16, 2010

Motorola Starchoice Remote Manuak

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Believe in your dreams

Thursday, April 8, 2010

How Much Cost To Call An Ambulance At Home?


Saturday 10 April 17.30 in the parish of Porto meeting for families and operators of Swallows but open all concerned with the association A. GE. EXTRA Fano, the first association of immigrant parents.
followed by a fellowship dinner with all the premises after school in Piazza Garibaldi, 3 Senigallia

News for AGE-EXTRA:

Mirdash is 32 years old and like many here in Fano (Ancona), is Albania. A smart guy, used in a transport company that has done well wishes to the extent that the company wanted to promote the head stock. A story like many others, perfectly integrated immigrants are no longer content to survive and seek for their children - some born in Italy, other groups arrived in the country of origin - a future different from the troubled life of the many foreigners who today are trying hard proper integration. Mirdash is the president of "A.Ge. Extra ", the first association of immigrant parents. She was born in Fano, associated so far 73 people of various ethnicities and nationalities, predominantly (35) pairs, except for three who are still awaiting the reunification of the family. For the moment we meet periodically in the room made available by a restaurant on the port of Fano, whose owner is a partner, but are managing to get a seat by the City, although cohabitation with another association. Behind "A.Ge. Extra "in Fano, there Emanuele Perini, regional A.Ge. combative former president, who is very proud of this achievement:" I always had many friends among immigrants because they are by nature 'xenophilous' and have always love AI. Ge., of its projects. I combined these two passions and I raised the issue last national conference, where I immediately found and shared enthusiasm. " Support by the new regional president A.Ge., Alberto Di Capua, that the experience is a Fano model. Just think Di Capua immigrants to apply the Convention which is preparing for a reduction in costs of textbooks, one of the first services on which A.Ge. Extra is working to improve the living conditions of children of immigrants. The A. Ge. In essence. calls to families who no longer use the textbooks to make them available to assist needy families. The appeal is of course hand in hand with another appeal to the Education Office in a way that would lead teachers to not change too often with the educational facilities. "Dream, patience, respect ..." are the key words' order and program, "A.Ge. E.xtra "that begins timidly to get started:" We have no great pretensions, Mirdash explains, the president, the first great need is better know among different ethnic groups and nationalities, even before the Italian community. We are well and we are convinced that together we can go a long way, thanks to AI. Ge.. "

reproduce the text of the service of Vincenzo Varagona, journalist TG3 Marche, which aired on June 2 TG3, the next day on Radio RAI, published in eight events of the day and requested by RAI International.

index documents associated life AGeStampa Year 2008 June 2008 A.Ge. Extra, Fano's first association of immigrant parents
A.Ge. Italian Parents Association. Via Aurelia 796, 00165 Rome.
Tel 06 66514566, fax 06 66510452 -

Sunday, April 4, 2010

How Much Pee Can A Little Swimmer Hold

An Easter greetings to all

The rainbow of peace

Peace is like a rainbow after the storm arrives,
to illuminate the world with its multi-colored.
Each color has a meaning:
red like a heart that loves everyone,
yellow like the sun that warms the world,
blue as the sea calm and clear
light green as the grass just checked, pink
as two arms that hug you, then
orange as a small fire that low low heat.
These colors are all about hope.
Hope that there is always peace in the world.
This peace must begin with us.
Clare C.

Peace is: the
smile of a child,
the flower of a winter lawn.

Peace is a shining star in a dark universe.

Peace is a circle of joy !!!!!!

(Federico Rocca)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Make Custom Mma Shorts

Eleonora Bellini

Easter morning in my lawn
rainbow I found an egg, egg
was a strange and fragrant
no bigger than a hand.

When I opened it, to the astonishment I found
surprises of every color: yellow
the smile of a Chinese guy, the song of a red

the smile of a Swedish blue, green
of the caper a Portuguese
violet dance of a thousand girls, a thousand sounds
indigo ocarina.

round and plump and orange
a welcome warm sunshine, a warm sun

plump and round the same for all children in the world.